Here is a map of Tórshavn to show you the approximate location, marked “MY HOME“:

And a little closer:

Find your way from Sverrisgøta:

Find the corner of Sverrisgøta and Magnus Heinasonargøta (looks like the photo below) – and then walk down to the dark red house you see at the end of the street with the parked cars.

That is Magnus Heinasonar gøta. No. 8 is right behind the dark red house. But…

… when you reach the dark red house, make sure that you do NOT go down the road to the left of the red house, where you see a white car on the photo below parked in front of a little white house.

As stated, do NOT go that way. Please go to the right instead. And then immediately turn at the corner of the red house, where you’ll see a very narrow alley to your left side.

This video below shows you the way to Magnus Heinasonar gøta 8 from the spot on the photo above:

You will find Magnus Heinasonar gøta 8 – the domicile of F’LJÓÐ KVØLDSETUR – in the next house down the narrow alley. It is a black house with white windows and a green front door. Welcome!

Find way from Vágsbotn/the small boat harbour:

If you come from the harbour down at Vágsbotn, you will follow this route:

Walk over to the bar Sirkus.

Walk past the bar Sirkus up the narrow road.

Walk up to the stairs on the right side of the road.

Walk up these stairs and then turn to the right. Watch this short video to see how to find the right house:

So there you are! You have found the address: Magnus Heinasonar gøta 8, where the F’LJÓÐ KVØLDSETUR events take place.

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